Piano Restoration

North Carolina’s Premier Piano Restoration Service Provider Since 1958. Piano restoration involves complete disassembly, inspection, and repair as necessary, including replacement of all damaged, worn, or deteriorated parts. The piano is then reassembled, tested, and adjusted to the same or similar tolerances as new. Complete piano rebuilding includes the repair or replacement of the soundboard, bridges, pinblock, strings, action parts, keyboard, and case refinishing. Partial rebuilding includes one or two of of these areas, for example rebuilding the action and structure, but not refinishing. Complete rebuilding restores the piano to its original condition or better. Such comprehensive work is most practical for higher quality instruments where maximum performance and longevity are required. Our staff of Registered Piano Technicians have 150+ years of combined experience!

Customer Reviews

We appreciate having Ruggero Piano as a community partner. Many Thanks! - North Carolina Opera

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